Your loved ones’ Final Resting Place will be well cared for with the utmost Respect and Dignity.

Casket Burial

Memorial Programs

Cremation Burial
About Groveside
The first burial to take place in Groveside was that of the late Mrs. Nancy Holt in the spring of 1874. Since then, Groveside has become the final resting place for many Whitby residents and their families.
Whether it be cremation burial in our Garden of the Four Seasons or traditional casket interment, you can be well assured that your loved ones’ final resting place will be well cared for with the utmost respect and dignity.
The Seasons of Groveside
Cemetery Features
Groveside Cemetery’s picturesque tree-lined roadways, with many distinct species, encompass fifteen acres of beautifully maintained cemetery grounds full of flower gardens, accessible walkways and well-shaded rest areas.
Family Memories
Paved Walkways
Flower Gardens
Free Parking
Rest Areas
Community Care
Serving Brooklin, Whitby and the surrounding region